Thursday, August 19, 2010

WPA says NO to no-claim discounts for private medical insurance.

Recently a trend towards no-claim discounts has become more popular in the PMI (private medical insurance) market. Big companies such as Aviva, PruHealth and Axa have introduced no-claim discounts into their health insurance policies.

But WPA, a leading not-for-profit health insurance company have resolutely announced their opposition to such discounts. The company believe that such policies are not compatible with their ethos of customer driven business. And there is evidence to suggest that WPA is right and such policies may be detrimental – especially to longer standing clients.

A recent Daily Mail article highlighted the plight of a retired couple from Lancashire who after 22 years have been “moved” to a new no-claims discount policy by their insurer. After reading the small print they discovered that if they are ill, just one claim will put their premium up by 30%. Older customers are more likely to make claims; they are therefore more likely to see their premiums increase at a faster rate.

WPA, however, believe the alternative is greater transparency and flexibility. Rod Bramston, their Managing Director of Private Clients outlines the WPA difference:

It is a simple choice of 3 products; Flexible Health, XS Health and Active Health. Customers benefit with savings upfront by a choice of shared responsibility or excess levels. Customers are in control of their benefits and the premiums.

The WPA way focuses on customer value - being able to adjust key components of their policy such as how much excess they pay. This results in lower premiums and policyholders not being penalised because they make a claim. Isn’t that what taking health insurance is about?

For more information contact:
Corporate Communications Director : Charlie MacEwan
Phone: 07771-808083
E-mail: charlie.macewan [at] wpa dot org dot uk
Western Provident Association (WPA) is a health insurer with a heritage going back over 100 years. They strive to help policyholders fund the very best healthcare and treatment services with the most competitive blend of premiums and benefits.

Further reading of health cash plans.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Private Health Insurance, Can you afford not to have it these days?

Private health insurance is becoming the "sensible option", but can you afford it?

Did you know private health insurance costs less than you think?

Take 60 seconds to consider your individual or family healthcare plans. Private health insurance ( sometimes referred to as private medical insurance ) can be used as your primary choice for health l insurance or it can be used as a means to fast track in today's busy NHS. It's sensible to do everything you can to look after yourself and have reliable private health insurance in place, as you never know what can happen.

So, what are the best things to look for in a private health insurance plan?

We asked a leading private medical insurance company, WPA , and they suggested that the answer is comprised of 2 things:

Flexibility and Affordability.

Private health insurance plans should offer security and give access to speedy, private medical treatment, with the flexibility to choose who treats you, where and in which hospital. Always look into the cover that’s right for you, with the and use a company you have heard of or who has a good reputation.

For instance, private medical inurance company, Western Provident offer the following flexible plans for private health insurance:

Essentials is a valuable, surgery only plan which offers in-patient and day-patient benefits when you need non-emergency (elective) surgery for a diagnosed medical condition. It does not cover cancer surgery.

Premier offers enhanced cover, with the ability to tailor your cover and premium.

Elite is their most extensive level of cover with an overall annual maximum limit of £50,000.

The thing to look for in private health insurance is the ability to adjust a plan to suit your needs.

Remember! You can start with basic cover and alter it as your needs change.

It's more affordable that you think to ensure your health is covered.